Justice for Harris Neck

Harris Neck was a large, thriving, self-reliant African American community of fishermen and farmers on the Georgia coast from 1865 to 1942. The Federal Government abruptly took the land by eminent domain leaving many homeless and without instructions of what to do or where to go. The government promised that the land would be returned after the end of WWII. To this day, the land has not been returned to the owners and ancestors of the land. Today, Harris Neck sits empty and is a bird and wildlife sanctuary.

The Harris Neck Land Trust continues to fight for what is rightfully theirs. Please joining us in demanding that President Biden return their land via executive order before he leaves office.

You can write a letter to him at: https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/

For more information visit https://harrisnecklandtrust.org/

Kannette King’s Summer Internship Reflection


Connecting with Gullah Geechee Communities in Florida


The Cultural Experience